First Nations content
We respectfully advise that this site includes works by, names of, and references to deceased people. It may also include images of First Nations cultural practices, and/or artistic, cultural or intellectual property that may be of a sensitive nature.
Secret, sacred and restricted content
The Gallery has made considerable efforts to ensure that restricted works are not reproduced. If you have reason to believe any of these records contain secret, sacred, and/or restricted content, and consequently should not be publicly available please contact the National Gallery.
Historic works and language
We acknowledge that the site contains language and statements that reflect the period in which a work of art was created and may now be considered inappropriate. These are a reflection of historical practices only and do not reflect the contemporary attitudes of the Gallery.
Important Copyright Information
Reproductions and use of images of works of art in the National Collection may be restricted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968. Please refer to the Copyright Council of Australia for further information.